Sunday, April 05, 2009

Angel VS Demon on Louis

Angel: "You don't need another bag, Mel"

Demon: "Check out the new colour, new collection for spring!"

Angel: "It is too expensive. Remember you want to save for holiday?"

Demon: "You can use it with your new jeans. Totally a head spinner"

Angel: "C'mon, just go find something less expensive. You should save, Mel. You are not little girl anymore"

Demon: "You never had anything this fabulous before. Look at your old bags, they are either free from a gift or you have used it for.. how many years? forever! I think this one will never go out of style. Besides, you love the blue shiny colour. Eyes on you, babe! The girls will green with envy. The guys will stunned with your style and beauty. The money will be well spent. Trust me."

That is why,

Louis Vuitton Vernis Alma Blue is Mine!
So happy
sya la la la.. la la..

Source: LV Vernis


Devi Girsang, MD said...

Ciehhh.. congrats for the new splurge! :) Btw, bukannya Vernis ga boleh dipake barengan ama jeans yah? Gw ga punya vernis seh, cuma denger2 doank hahaha.. katanya takut 'luntur' klo kena jeans, ga jelas juga sih.. tapi KEREN bokkk!! Go Demon! (loh?!)

Melissa said...

@Devi: really? dapet info dr mana tuh gak bole pake sama jeans? hmm.. I have to ask Mr. G then.
Thanks for the warning.. ;)

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