Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A Dime A Dozen

I wonder why Indonesian people (Mostly who live in a big city like Jakarta) are so 'latah'.

I really can't find the right words in english. When I checked on the dictionary it says "a nervouse condition characterized by erratic involuntary imitative behavior, often pornographic or socially disapproved".

What I mean by 'latah' is that they are trying so hard to become trendy and up-to-date by following the new trend (which mostly from the US). Example:

1. Used to be Nokia now turn to Blackberry.
I was surprised when I went to java jazz festival a month ago. When people were trying to record videos of the performer, I think almost 65% of them are using BB! FYI, these mobiles are not cheap. They around USD500-600/item.

What made me surprised even more is the fact that the user are youngster (start from 15 y.o). What would they need a BB for? To chat on MSN? To check on Facebook? Such a waste of technology indeed.

2. Bread Top
This one comes originally from Singapore. A bread store which famous with 'roti abon' or meat-floss bread. I remember the first time it open in Kelapa Gading Mall, the lines are almost 5 meter in U shape! One aunty even brought her maid to help her carry the tray which I'm guessing are full with over 10 meat floss bread per tray in it. C'mon people.. it only a bread store...
PS. it still in demand till now but people are not in lines anymore to buy it. Mercy God for that.

3. J.Co
The idea of is come from the famous doughnuts store from the US - Krispy Kreme. The different is that it less sweeter than KK, suit the taste of Asians. As they say, the line of queue reaches miles away (I was in Australia when the store first open, so I didn't witness it myself).

4. Sour Sally
Another one from US. A frozen yoghurt store firstly open in Jakarta in 2009. The crowd are willing to queue for at least half an hour to get a taste of it. The yogurt claim to be 100% fat free but if you see the toppings you will change your mind. It taste much sweeter than an original natural yoghurt. The topping range from fresh fruit, dried fruit, candies, and breakfast cereal. Still claiming it fat free?

5. Facebook / Twitter
I think this one is not only for Indonesian but all over the world. They all got a facebook-fever (even me). If you don't have one people will think of you as "gak gaul" or not trendy. Nowadays starting from junior high student to 40 y.o. mom/grandma have a fb account. Geez...

Melissa says:

The only thing I agree on is Facebook. Other than that are just stupid. Why would you queue for at least 30 minutes to get a snack? Why would supposedly is a PDA phone to help businessman become such a cheap-stuff-looking-because-everybody-have-it-mobiles?

Totally absurd!!!


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