Saturday, April 26, 2008

A poem

O My Gosh I love this poem written by Aly El Sahly, an African kid.
It was nominated for the best 2005 poem.

When I born, I Black,
When I grow up, I Black,
When I go in Sun, I Black,
When I scared, I Black,
When I sick, I Black,
And when I die, I still black..
And you White fella,
When you born, you Pink,
When you grow up, you White,
When you go in Sun, you Red,
When you cold, you Blue,
When you scared, you Yellow,
When you sick, you Green,
And when you die, you Gray..
And you calling me Colored ??


Herry -- HgS said...

Halo kunjungan balik. Btw, ini melissa siapa ya? Hehehe... :-)

Anonymous said...

Wah... Bagus banget puisinya. Sumpeh... aku terharu banget. Ni puisi pesannya anti rasialisme berdasarkan warna kulit kan. Dapet darimana mbak?

Btw salam kenal ya...

Anonymous said...

hello mel, thanks for your visit!!

gahh? puisi inih... sangat...

membumihanguskan racism.

astrid savitri said...

Wuiiih! dalem banget puisinya...
keren abis..

boleh dicopy?? cuma buat koleksi pribadi kok, pliiiis:)

Devi Girsang, MD said...

ya ampun puisinya dapet darimana Mel? kata2nya sederhana tapi nancep banget yah.. thanks for sharing :)

Devi Girsang, MD said...

Hi Mel, howdy!

Anyway I just want to let you know my opinion regarding your comment on my blog post "Spread the Words".

@mdoank: pros and cons both come hand in hand, why would I feel offended? :)

Their mindset is their responsibility, not ours nor the government. I believe they weren't born lazy, it's the environment that makes them feel hopeless. How selfish we are, generalizing them as sluggish people to defend our ignorance. There are still lots of children like those in "Denias" and "Laskar Pelangi" movies; Indonesian children living in hinterland and still struggle for better education. At least, they govt. can make public schools as free schools (in terms of monetary costs).

Moreover, I don't think we're justified not to help those that truly in needs. Where is the love? ;) We're just human after all...

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