I went to Senayan City last Saturday with my friends, Fabri and Wiko. My impression? I wouldn’t call Senayan City as a mall or a shopping center; I’d call it a designer showcase! We circled around the showcase and took this picture on your right. The picture was taken in Debenhams dept. store. Notice the 3 madams on the left, and the 4 sales assistants on the right. I guess the madams can no longer handle their shopping bag, so they need another 4 people to carry them. It good to be rich isn’t it. My friend said the situation remind her of “Pretty Woman” movie. Gosh, I wonder what their husbands do for a living…
Then we went to Gucci, since Fab want to see the Gucci 85th anniversary bags. I must admit it was beautiful. It really is a piece of art.
From all things in fashion, I love bags the most. But would I buy those designers bag right now? Definitely No. Why? Read on
Nowadays, woman handbag is a very important piece of fashion accessory. Top designers around the globe compete to make the most beautiful / fashionable / expensive handbags. Some of the lists include: Louis Vuitton, Prada, Gucci, Fendi, Chanel, Marc Jacobs, Burberry, and many more. The price? It will definitely max your credit card to the limit. It ranges from hundreds of dollars to several thousand each!One of the examples is a Birkin Bags from Hermes (picture on the right), which start at around $6000, while the most expensive version is made of crocodile with solid gold closures studded with diamonds, tops $85,000!!!!
What is it that makes the designer handbag so special? Some people rather stop eating for months to be able to purchase those bags. Is it a fashion statement? Or is it merely a status symbol? A friend of mine even say it is an investment (?!?!)
I could never understand how a bag can become an investment. If you want to invest, why don’t you just buy a diamond or gold? I think it is mostly a status symbol. A person will feel proud wearing them, even if sometimes they cannot tell the difference between the genuine and the fake ones.
For the case of young girls wearing designer bags, I personally think it just don’t suit them. I will not feel proud wearing $2000 bags knowing it comes from my parent’s account. If I work hard and receive hundreds of thousands of dollars salary, then I will purchase my very first Gucci bag. Even though I’d rather save it to go to Paris or to the Bahamas. ^_-
Monday, November 27, 2006
Designer Handbag: buy or steal?
Posted by Melissa at 6:09 PM 4 comments
Labels: Fashion
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Dial - up nightmare
After only 2 days holiday after exam finished, I’m back in Indonesia now. As I imagined, the nightmare of not having Internet come true.
· First of all, I can’t connect my old PC keyboard to my Mac Mini since the plug is not compatible.
· I can’t use MSN messenger since the updated version need Internet explorer 6.0 while mine is still 5.0.
· Officially, it will take me 1 hour to download the messenger and another 2 hours for IE 6.0
· The sad bit is that the Internet connection cannot keep up running for more than 1 hour. It keep disconnecting and I have to keep reconnect it. Imagine how many hours for me to download the update?!
· Mean while when it finally connected, I can’t browse anywhere else since the connection speed is too low to support download and browse (dial up max-45 kbps).
· I have no speaker for my computer. So I have to listen songs from my Mini, which is horrible. I can’t connect it to the home theater since, again, I don’t have the converter for the plug.
· Next. My laptop’s motherboard is broken and I will need IDR 3,000,000 to fix it.
The up side is that I can ask for a new set of PC. I think I’d rather spend it on a new PC than to fix the laptop. But who knows, my dad said we don’t need a fancy computer since he only use it for the Microsoft office and browsing (rarely happen). If that so, at least I have to get a new keyboard that is compatible for Mac and PC. Or else I'll be really really miserable =(
Posted by Melissa at 1:10 PM 1 comments
Labels: life
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Exam, Home, and Shopping
Hey wassupp guys...
How is everybody going??
Well, to be honest, I dun really have anything to write about.
My life has been plain boring.
I just finished my exam yesterday and going back home soon. Not really excited about going home. Reasons are:
- I'm gonna miss my new computer with 19" LCD + TV tunner.
- I'm gonna miss the speed of the internet connection, playing online games, downloading movie and songs.
- I'm gonna miss shoppink with my besties (although at home another besties waiting).
- I'm gonna miss hanging out in the city till dawn, having a zip of cocktails while gossiping about the cute waiter who seems to be (sadly) gay.
ARgh.. really2 not excited bout home.
And yet I'm gonna have to work full time for the sake of completing the study requirement (3 months internship program to be able to graduate)
Anyway, last few days before going home I've been shoppink a LoT!
Went to Bridge Road yesterday, the shopping paradise, where all the factory outlet from a big known store such as ESPRIT, GASP, NINE WEST, PILGRIM, JEANS WEST, etc etc...
I found this cute necklace from SEDUCE.
Cute ponny... LOVe iT!!
I bought a new bag from MIMCO, which is reversible made from polyester. What a bargain bcos the original price is $69.95 and I bought it for only $24.95 ^_^
Bought a couple of tops from MNG and PILGRIM *both 50% discount too of course!!*
And today, I am going to continue my shopping spree at Chadstone, the FashiOn CapiTaL ^_*
Excited! Can't wait to see what I'll bring home today =D
Quote of the day:
"Man, Coffee, Chocolate, The RICH the BETTER"
Posted by Melissa at 12:26 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 13, 2006
The Art of Photography
I recently found an interest in photography.
Pictures were taken from Tulip Festival in Melbourne, AU
All were editted using iPhoto
Buzy buzy butterfly
Pink is a new black
Give some yellow
Posted by Melissa at 1:38 AM 2 comments
Labels: nothingness
Windows Sucks
Geez.. it has been a while since i updated my blog.
Reason? Blame the GUNBOUND online game and those Asian drama series o_O
Anyway, The news is I hate windows!
I have to format my windows twice in a week! Thanks to bugs and freakin' pop ups. Lucky i'm using MacMini so I have no trouble doing my works. I bought Mac Mini for reason that it is compact and easy to carry around compare to desktop PC. It also has longer lifetime compared to laptops (laptops only last for around 3 years if you a heavy user, or even less). So I don't actually prefer MAC than Windows in the first place. But now, I think I started to fall in love with Mac. It's virus-free and also NO POP UPs. I found this interesting website called Microsuck www.windows-sucks.com. I think I am one of the follower now.
Windows is one of the BIGGEST SCAM.
Goo MaCkie!
The bug I mention above turns all the fonts in my desktop appearance into tiny-very little-size 2 fonts. I can't hardly read anything ~_~ I have searched the internet but cannot find anything about this matter. If someone ever encountered the same problem, could you please tell my why and how to overcome it...
Posted by Melissa at 1:13 AM 2 comments
Labels: nothingness
Monday, September 11, 2006
Culture difference: Why not?
*Smuce ball : is an ordinary ball with 3 course meal, boost, and lots of good times.
That what is promised by the Chemical Engineering department committee which host the event. Sadly of course, it will only valid for the local (Australian) students. I, as one of the international student, will not come to their party. The question is, why. It seems that the Australian and International student can not mix. Don’t get me wrong. It’s not because of discrimination or other negative stuffs we don’t like about each other. We get along well with each other. It just the way we, so called, “have fun” are different.
As you may already know, westerners love to drink a lot. I mean a lot! They always have wine with their meals, going to pubs / bar to get beer or cocktails. I'm not saying its bad, but it just different. In my culture (Asian), we eat to celebrate. Yes, we eat. Every celebration, such as birthday, graduation party, welcoming party, etc, instead of going to a bar to have a drink / listen to bands or go dancing, we sit on a big table and have dinner. The host party will treat their guests by paying their meals. It could last for at least 2 hours because, not only we eat, we chat and keep up with the latest news from everyone: current issues for the gentleman and gossips for the ladies. My background is Indonesian, which is part of the South East Asia. We are not really a dancing culture. We just don’t dance as much as the westerner or middle eastern. So it is hard for me, personally, to get down to the dance floor and dance while everyone else watching. Of course many youngsters right now get to the groove and start following the western culture (nightclubs are one of the examples). However in the case of balls, many of my friends when I ask why they wouldn’t go, said “I’m not really into that western culture.” Or “There would be lots of alcohols. I’m afraid they (westerners) will loose it and get drunk”.
Well, nothing more to say. It that just one of the cultural differences we had. I personally would love to go to a ball if only my friends are going. I want to experience the real ball as in the movie. (PS: remember the ball from the TV serial The O.C.; where the decoration is wonderful and everyone dressed up beautifully?) I want that kind of experience while studying in Australia! So, I guess I will go next year, as it is my final year. It would be my last opportunity to go to a ball ever in my life! Hopefully by then the international student can change their mind. So not only think about the negative, but also can see the positive side of it. Shall we dance, guys? ^_^
Posted by Melissa at 2:50 PM 2 comments
Labels: life
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Let's go skiing
Friend : Ski yukkkk
Me : Mauuuuuuu
Friend : ke Falls Creek aja. Denger2 saljunya lebih tebel
Me : Tapi 5 hours drive loh. Kuat???
Friend : Hmm… iya juga ya. Kalo nginep?
Me : siap keluarin $500 looh. Soalnya lagi high season.
Friend : 500 buckssss? Buat semalem doank? Duh lagi bokek gw.
Me : ke Buller aja yuk!!!
Friend : eh Buller ada dealnya tuh. $150 udah semua sama transport.
Me : Really?? Let’s go!
Mount Buller. For only 3 hours drive from Melbourne, VIC, is the most favourite winter holiday destination. Compare to other ski mountain around VIC,
This is my second time going to a snow trip. My first trip was to Falls Creek on early September 2005. For me personally, I like
I love skiing. It is a lot of fun! But, before you go skiing, here are some “guidelines” which (hopefully) can help you spend a fun time in the snow,
- Wear a sensible clothing
Waterproof jacket and pants is a must! If you don’t have one, there are some available you can rent along with you ski gear. However, wear a thick jacket because you gonna have to walk from the parking lot to the rental which is quite far. Don’t even think of wearing an open toe shoes or sandals even if you know you will rent a ski boot.
- Accessorize!
Not only for you looks good in picture, accessories are an important item to keep you warm. A hat / beannie are very important. A research says that 30% of your body heat is released from your head. So wear a hat to keep your head and ear warm. Gloves are important too to protect you from scratches if you fall and to be able to make a snowman! Add scarf and googles if you want.
- Eat breakfast before you leave
When you get there, trust me, you won’t be thinking about food at all. Your thoughts will be about ski ski and playing with the snow. People tend to skip lunch because they forget about time. And since they are busy playing around, they don’t feel hungry. Its fine at first, but after a day playing sport, your body will crave carbs and can ruin your stomach. So, eat up before you go!
- Choose your gear accordingly
There are 2 choices available: ski and snowboards. People said that snowboard is easier if you know how to ski. I personally never try snowboard, but I recommend you to ski if you are a first-timer.
- Ski lesson for a first-timer
Yes, you have to pay more to get a lesson. But trust me, it is worthed! It usually took about 1-2 hours. They will teach you how to get on your ski, how to walk on it, and the most important is how to stop. It is definetelly not an easy thing to do, but as time goes by, you will learn how to break without falling =)
- Don’t even think that ski is easy, and follow more experienced people to go down on a steep track. You may know how to break now, but training is usually done in less steep track, while the real track is steeper (even for the easier level). So remember, it’s not only dangerous for you, it is a danger for other people too. Have a save ski is important! We want to go back to the city in one piece, aren’t we?
- Fall on your butt
I know we cannot think when we fall. But at least try to fall on your bottom instead of to your knees. Knees are more fragile and your hand will injure more if you fall to your front since you carry all your weight on them. Bottom is saver and it also easier for you to get up.
That is all I can think of right now. From my personal experience, my very first step on the snow on a ski is definetelly scary. I can not perform break at all, even after one hour lesson. But in this second time trip, it is getting far easier. I finally know how to slow down and how to avoid falling over. So don’t worry too much if you cannot ski after your first time on the snow. Your second time is definetelly easier. I cannot wait to get my third time! Let’s skiiiii…
How much is it cost?
For high season (July – Sept):
· Ski package (include: transportation by coach, ski enterance, ski/snowboard hire, lift, and 2 hours ski lesson) à $149
· Clothing rental (include ski jacket and pants only) à $27
· Foods are mostly expensive. Noodle box at around $15-20 per person.
· Water bottle $4 (retail price in the city is $2.10)
Posted by Melissa at 4:36 PM 2 comments
Labels: life
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Cuap - cuap seorang Nobody
Kalau aku lemah, sudah bersembunyi aku di dasar lembah.
Namun aku orang yang kuat
Dengan dagu tercuat, menggenggam kejujuran erat - erat.
Tapi kalau cuma menjadi hantu, maka akupun tak tahu"
I open my old scratch book and found the quote. I always love quotation. Whenever I read books/articles (and sometimes movies) and love the phrase, I go to my scratch book and write it down. This is just one of many.
I think this quote is really "Me" right now.
I feel like I am strong inside. But it all do not matter.
I feel like I'm no-one. Nobody recognize me.
What am I to the world?
and if I was never born, what effect do I make? (apart for my Mom and Dad)
I'm not Paris Hilton, Lady Diana or Mother Teressa.
Who am I? I don't even know.
Years and years I've studied Physics and Chemistry.
But until now I don't even know why the sky is blue.
Why ocean is dark blue, while shallow water is green.
One day my Dad asked me when we stop at petrol station, "Why is some petrol works better than the other? How does it work?"
Guess what... I DON'T KNOW!
Down down down... that really get me down.
On Thursday last week, I decided to do some volunteer work for Melbourne City Mission.
What I did is basically stand to introduce and promote the organization. I have to wear a Pjamas at train station during the rush hours.
So, I got up at 5.30 am in the morning, quickly showered, and rushed to the city.
The sun was still on the other side of the globe. It was dark.
I reached city at 6.55 am. I was late for 5 minutes for my meeting.
On that day, I really felt great for myself. Not because people recognize me for what I did. Not because I can answer the toughest yet simple question my Dad asked about science.
And for the first time of my life, I felt great not because I get good grades, money, or 1 kg less of my weight.
For the first time, I know I have a hero inside me.
Knowing I can help someone and make their life a little better.
It was fun too. I received a lot of smile from strangers (some even giggled at me, but who cares rite?!).
And saying "How are you?" and "Have a nice day" to a total stranger is not bad after all. =)
Posted by Melissa at 1:11 AM 1 comments
Labels: nothingness
Monday, July 31, 2006
Alzheimers Eye Test
Count every " F" in the following text:
WRONG, THERE ARE 6 -- no joke.
Really, go Back and Try to find the 6 F's before you scroll down.
The reasoning behind is this
The brain cannot process "OF".
Amuzinggggggg eh?....
If you can read all 6 in first shot, U are a genius.
If you read 3, it's normal.
But if you can read 4, you are RARE.
Firstly, I only read 2. How embarassing. LOL. The second shot I read 3. Hahahaha...
Me dumb? Naahh.. That's because I only use half of my brain. My left brain is resting for the exam which is comming in the next two weeks!!
I am still amuze how we can't pick the "F" in "OF". I read it three times for Donnut's sake!
So, how many "F" can you pick up?
Posted by Melissa at 10:07 PM 1 comments
Labels: nothingness
Friday, July 28, 2006
Winter Flowers
We finaly reach the middle of winter.
So far, winter means cloudy day, raining all morning, have to go home early because the sun sets at 5.30 pm... but not anymore they don't.
When I went out today, this tree is blossoming with pink flowers! I didn't notice them yesterday. Meaning, they are blooming all the flowers in just one night! They looks like Japanese Sakura... but different. They can only be seen in winter day. During spring, the tree filled with green leaves only, no flowers at all. In autumn, the leaves turns yellowish-red. Leaves falling and suddenly the tree filled with flowers. How amazing!
There are also another tree full with white flowers, just like this pink flowers. The different is that the white flowers one has bigger and taller branch. They are all beautiful!
So that winter isn't always grey and gloomy.
Winter means Pink and White ^_^
Stay in bed til late, hot chocolate, lazy afternoon, and full winter clothing (which I love!)
Beanie, gloves, scarf, layer and more layer.
Look! even the dogs wearing clothes.
Whether for the sake of fashion or they actually need something to keep them warm.
Posted by Melissa at 9:45 PM 3 comments
Labels: life
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Global Recall of ReNu with MoistureLoc Contact Lens Cleaning Solution
News for Contact Lens user!!
Have you ever heard or even used ReNu by Bausch & Lomb contact lenses cleaning solution?
If your answer is “yes”, then this is a news for you.
On Thursday, 11 May 2006, Bausch & Lomb met with Food & Drug Adminstration officials regarding to the investigation to one of their product, ReNu with MoistureLoc. It was found that the formulation of ReNu with MoistureLoc product can increase the risk of Fungal Keratis infection. The company thus has decided to permanently remove the ReNu MoistureLoc product worldwide.
What is Fungal Keratis?
Based on article published by Ophthalmology section from Purdue University, Fungal Keratis is a serius and painful corneal disease that is caused by fungal infection. The disease will requires prolonged and expensive treatment; or under the worst case scenario, it can result in blindness or the need for enucleation.
- Blurred vision
- Red and painful eye that does not improve when the contact lens is removed
- Increased sensitivity to light
- Excessive tearing or discharge
So if you have any of these symtoms, better contact your optometrist immediately.
The fact is I actually use ReNu all the time for the past (perhaps) 2 years! I am so shocked by the articles. Contact Lenses is actually very useful although maybe a little bit more dangerous than glasses. But I can not imagine if I have to live without it. Glasses is so not for me. Praise and a big thank you to the scientists for inventing contact lens! and to Bausch & Lomb, you dissapoint me *sigh*
Posted by Melissa at 9:42 PM 4 comments
Labels: worry